21-23 February 2019, IFC Yaoundé
Thursday, November 22, 2018, 1st physical meeting with Lore Criado, former Cultural Officer at IFC Yaoundé, regarding our collaboration in the animation and presentation of the Jean Rouch retrospective.
Monday, January 28, 2019, at the IFC auditorium, screening of 04 films by Jean Rouch, on the prospective programme. We were: Chantal Julie NLEND, Patrick Pierre TOUKO, KAMDEU Stève, FélixMBOG-LEN MAPOUT, Roméo ZAFACK, Florence Nadège NKUISSI and Clémence HERAULTChargée de Mission Culturelle à l’IFC Yaoundé.
Friday, February 15, 2019, signature of the contract of service, between the President of the ARDC: Félix MBOG-LEN MAPOUT, and the Delegate Director of the French Institute: KristellDORVAL. (Contract attached).
Monday, 18 February 2019, establishment of the Power of Attorney from Félix Mbog-Len Mapout to Florence Nadège Nkuissip for the collection of 100,000 CFA francs, representing the costs of the service, from the IFC Yaoundé Advance and Receipts Officer.
On Monday, 18 February 2019, Félix Mbog-Len Mapout and Florence Nadège Nkuissir met with BINGONO BINGONO, in order to propose him to be our contact person for the retrospective. This was after Rosalie BESSINI had tried to get him in vain, and Félix Mbog-Len Mapout had finally succeeded in getting him.
At the end of this meeting, it was noted that this expert could not be present, as he had to travel the next day, Tuesday 19 February.
We offered to conduct an interview with him, which unfortunately was not broadcast due to technical problems and the pressure of the last few minutes.
Thursday, 21 February 2019, beginning of the Jean Rouch Retrospective, with the screening of 02 films: “Les magiciens de Wanzerbé”, “La Goumbé des jeunes noceurs”.
The organisers present:
NoName and surnamesStructureResponsibility01Kristell DORVALIFC/02KAMDEU StèveARDC/03NZOUTAP YEMPMO EdwigeARDCAnimator04Patrick Pierre TOUKOARDCModerator05Hubert DonkamARDCCameraman06Florence Nadège NKUISSIARDCDirector07Clémence HERAULTIFCCultural Mission Officer at IFC Yaoundé
In total, we were 15 participants on this 1st day, including the audience.
Friday, February 22, 2019, 2nd day of the retrospective, with the screening of 03 films instead of the 04 in the program: ” Abidjan port of fishing “, ” Le Mil “, ” Chronique d’un été “; ” les veuves de 15 ans ” not being able to open.
The organisers present:
NoNames and surnamesStructureResponsibility01KAMDEU StèveARDC/02NZOUTAP YEMPMO EdwigeARDCAnimator03Rosalie BESSINIARDC/04Florence Nadège NKUISSIARDCDirector 05 Clémence HERAULT IFCChargé de Mission Culturelle à IFC Yaoundé06Chantal Julie NLENDARDCModerator
Miscellaneous :
Rosalie BESSINI had indigestion, which is why she could not moderate as planned.
An attendance list was circulated in the room (see Annex).
Saturday, 23 January 2019, 3rd and last day of the Jean Rouch retrospective. Screening of 03 films: “La punition ou les mauvaises rencontres”, “VW voyau”, “Cousin, cousine, pirogue Gondole”, and the trailer of “Mémoire d’un patriote” a film by Chantal Julie NLEND.
The organisers present:
NoNames and surnamesStructureResponsibility01NZOUTAP YEMPMO EdwigeARDCAnimator02Rosalie BESSINIARDC/03Florence Nadège NKUISSIARDCDirector04Clémence HERAULTIFCChargé de mission Culturelle à IFC Yaoundé05Chantal Julie NLENDARDCModerator
List of annexes :
Service contract
Proxy, even if not used
Attendance list for the 2nd and 3rd day of the retrospective
Various discharges
When there is activity, in addition to communicating on the WhatsApp group or Facebook, we should contact the members by normal call or SMS.